Project Portfolio

Commodore John Barry Elementary– Philadelphia, PA

Duration – 8 months

Client – Daniel J. Keating

Category – School


At the Commodore John Barry Elementary School, JPC Group, Inc. was the first contractor on site and was responsible for all earthwork on the job including the installation of sheeting and shoring running the length of the site to support the street while JPC excavated an 8,000 cubic yard basement. The next stage was a 6,000 cubic foot underground storm water storage tank and detention basin. This work consisted of a precast structure, set in place with a crane, and a grid of over 150 feet of large diameter corrugated pipe. JPC later backfilled the basement walls while simultaneously excavating for the over 200 pile caps. The site also required a two foot undercut and complete soil exchange, all needing to progress uninterrupted in a very congested site.

  • Placement of all temporary barriers for the street

  • Worked with ease around an abundance of contractors on the confined construction site

  • Installation of extensive underground storm, sanitary and water utilities

  • Over 3,000 square feet of sheeting and shoring

  • Handling of over 10,000 cubic yards of soil