Project Portfolio
Curtis Institute Of Music - Philadelphia, PA
Duration – 24 months
Client – INTECH
Category –Excavation and Shoring
The challenge of saving the façade on historic buildings to make way for a new mixed-use LEED certified building for the Curtis Institute was complicated but JPC was able to overcome all related obstacles. The installation of underpinning pits in a confined basement area and ensuring the stabilization of the front façade of the buildings with steel members while the remainder was torn down were just some of the obstacles overcome. After the demolition, additional underpinning pits were installed on both sides of the project site under existing buildings to ensure no settlement. In total, 49 pits were dug ranging in depth from 8 to 16 feet. Nearly 77,000 lbs of steel H piles were used for sheeting and shoring while bulk excavation took place for the basement. Utilities were installed including multiple sewer tie-ins and a detention basin underneath the concrete sidewalk.
Underpinning pits reaching depths up to 16 feet
570 CY of concrete poured with 6,250 lbs of reinforcement
1,250 LF of steel H piles used for shoring
13,800 SF of sheeting and shoring
30 Tiebacks
13,650 SF lagging